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Date de sortie: 31 octobre 2001
Attention! Ce jeu est en anglais, donc il ne peut pas être joué en français.
Begin with just one little person from the thousands who live in the hidden world of your computer, and grow the biggest family tree you can imagine in Virtual Families 2 – Our Dream House, the compelling sequel to the hit strategy/sim game. Nurture your little person to adulthood. Help them choose a mate and find work.
Renovate and expand the family home. Make it your dream house – one that will serve your growing family for generations to come. You can include a nursery, a music room, and how about a game room!
As life continues to unfold, a variety of events come your way, each one bringing exciting elements into the daily routine of life. Both common and unexpected adventures of real life keep you riveted to the evolving lives or your growing family.
See for yourself why it's easy to get lost in Virtual Families 2 - Our Dream House when you try the free trial version or download the full-unlimited version today!
Essayez gratuitement la version complète de Virtual Families 2 - Our Dream House!
Remarque : le jeu est en anglais car pour nos joueurs FunPass, nous ne sélectionnons que des jeux de haute qualité. Malheureusement, il n'y avait aucun jeu répondant à ce critère dans votre langue.
Contenu de Virtual Families 2 - Our Dream House