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Ghost Encounters - Deadwood

Release date: 24 July 2012

Stop a phantom curse unleashed by grave robbers in Ghost Encounters - Deadwood Deluxe, a spine-tingling supernatural investigation. In life, the outlaw called Blackjack earned his name by killing 21 men. In death, he would kill many more. No one knew what the wicked spirit wanted but it would take someone extraordinary to stop it.

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Please note: due to its large file size, this game may take longer than normal to download and install.

Ghost Encounters - Deadwood features

  • break the curse of Blackjack in this paranormal hidden object investigation
  • enter the forsaken town of Deadwood to stop his killing spree
  • speak with inhabitants, dead and alive, with your psychic gifts
  • search the town for useful objects and solve cunning puzzles

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