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Hero of the Kingdom

Veröffentlichungsdatum: 31 Oktober 2001

Achtung! Dieses Spiel ist in Englisch und kann nicht in deiner eigenen Sprache gespielt werden!

A young man's search for his father turns into an adventure of a lifetime in Hero of the Kingdom, a tale of discovery and courage.

With his father on the way to market, a young man is left alone to mind a small farm. While doing his chores, bandits raid the farm and burn it down. Now, the young man has nowhere to go but follow the tracks to find his father. As a whole new world opens before him, danger and discovery become his loyal friends.

Travel with this young man and experience his journey as darkness falls over the entire country. Meet dozens of strangers, some friendly and others not, as he tracks his father and fulfills various quests. Collect herbs, hunt for animals, and go fishing. As the young man's world grows, so will the problems within it. Can you make it through?

Find out when you try the free trial version or download the full-unlimited version of Hero of the Kingdom today!

Probiere Hero of the Kingdom kostenlos aus - kinderleicht und ohne Sicherheitsbedenken!

Funktionen bei Hero of the Kingdom

  • Darkness falls over an entire country in this entertaining Adventure.
  • Follow a young man on a search for his father and a way to save the kingdom.
  • Meet dozens of strangers, some friendly and others not, as he fulfills various quests.
  • Collect herbs, hunt for animals, and go fishing.
  • Earn 38 fabulous achievements on this harrowing journey.

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Was unsere Spieler von Hero of the Kingdom halten
Schreib eine Bewertung!
| Hinzugefügt am 08-01-2022
Tolles Spiel macht richtig S?chtig alles zu l?sen. Teil II und III sowie The Lost Tales ist ebenfalls sehr sehr gut.
| Hinzugefügt am 22-11-2019
Mir gef?llt dieses Spiel super. Eine sch?ne Story, tolle Grafik, stundenlanger, kurzweiliger Spielspa?; wie Teil II und III auch sehr empfehlenswert!
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