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Mosaic – Game of Gods

Veröffentlichungsdatum: 31 Oktober 2001

Achtung! Dieses Spiel ist in Englisch und kann nicht in deiner eigenen Sprache gespielt werden!

Play Mosaic - Game of Gods and puzzle your way through a shattered landscape. In an outburst of anger, the God of Chaos destroyed all living flora and fauna. Nothing was left as it was. As the Goddess of Creation you're the only one to recreate a once flourishing world. Put the fragments of life back together and restore harmony and balance. Enjoy Mosaic - Game of Gods right away!

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Funktionen bei Mosaic – Game of Gods

  • bring a magical realm back to life after it was decimated by chaos
  • stitch all fragments back together and breathe new life into a magical world
  • discover beautiful images and meet the world's astonishing creatures
  • puzzle your way to all trophies in Relaxed or Normal Mode

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