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Abyss - The Wraiths of Eden

Release date: 11 August 2013

Dive deep into the darkness of the ocean to rescue your fiancé in Abyss - The Wraiths of Eden Deluxe, a chilling paranormal encounter. When her fiancé goes missing during a diving expedition, a young woman takes it upon herself to rescue him. Will the couple survive or meet their doom in this underwater grave?

Don't wait any longer - Play Abyss - The Wraiths of Eden for free today!

Abyss - The Wraiths of Eden features

  • save your fiancé trapped by supernatural forces in this hidden object rescue
  • explore a ruined underwater city located in the dark abyss of the ocean
  • use the List method or swap to a Dominoes play mode to locate hidden objects
  • solve a myriad of puzzles and play clever mini-games

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