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Mavis Beacon Keyboarding Kidz

Release date: 1 September 2012

Mavis Beacon Keyboarding Kidz is perfect for children and 'tweens who are either learning to touch type or want a fun way to improve their keyboarding skills.

Mavis and Dex are helping out at the movie concession stand, and they need your help when there's a mad rush between shows! You can help take orders, but only after you've mastered the keys from A to Z! Set your own words-per-minute goals, see what keys you need to practice and what keys you know well. Play games to practice what you've learned and to improve your speed and accuracy. Before you know it, you'll be a pro at keyboarding.Mavis Beacon Keyboarding Kidz is perfect for children and 'tweens who are either learning to touch type or want a fun way to improve their keyboarding skills.

Mavis and Dex are helping out at the movie concession stand, and they need your help when there's a mad rush between shows! You can help take orders, but only after you've mastered the keys from A to Z! Set your own words-per-minute goals, see what keys you need to practice and what keys you know well. Play games to practice what you've learned and to improve your speed and accuracy. Before you know it, you'll be a pro at keyboarding.

Don't worry, Mavis and Dex will be there to help you every step of the way! For Ages 7 and Up

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Mavis Beacon Keyboarding Kidz features

  • help Mavis and Dex at the movie concession stand during the rush hours between shows
  • learn to touch type or improve your keyboarding skills in the most fun way possible
  • choose your difficulty level and practice your keyboarding skills and master the keys from A to Z
  • set your own goals, see where you need to improve, and increase your speed and accuracy

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