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Delicious winter edition

Release date: 18 February 2011

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Put on your apron! In the busy month of December Emily could sure use some extra help in Delicious winter edition Deluxe. She has decorated the restaurant beautifully and will be serving delicious Christmas treats. This festive game consists of 2 game modes and 7 different restaurants. Roll up your sleeves and lend Emily a hand!

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Delicious winter edition features

  • 7 restaurants
  • 2 game modes
  • Bonuses like chocolate, bigger trays and stars
  • A lovely Christmas atmosphere

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What our players think of Delicious winter edition
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| Added on 14-04-2021
jadore tous les jeux demilie et chercher les souris, vider les chaudieres deau et servir les clients VIP etc., son ami Francois qui est amusant.
| Age: 53 | Added on 14-07-2015
One of the first games that i played on the computer was the Emily series,and i love ALL of them.And ive played ALL of them.I love the story-line,how it starts when Emily was a little girl right up to when she has her baby girl Paige.Now her sister Angela has her own game that ive been playing over and over.And it doesnt matter how many times that ive played all of them ,i love playing them over and over again,there just so much fun.And i have to play the advanced and i also always have to get the expert score or i keep playing until i do.Keep up the great work Gamehouse,and keep the Emily and Angela series going.Oh and the comments that ive seen ,it seems to me that anyone that plays the Emily games also love them.
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