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Surface - The Soaring City Deluxe

Release date: 29 March 2016

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Surface - The Soaring City Deluxe is a wondrous hidden object adventure packed with beautiful images, clever puzzles and an engaging story. Your brother, a renowned inventor, has been kidnapped and imprisoned. It is now up to you to free him from his captors and escape in Surface - The Soaring City Deluxe!

Download Surface - The Soaring City Deluxe and try it for free!

Surface - The Soaring City Deluxe features

  • explore well-crafted scenes and artwork
  • experience a richly told tale
  • enjoy a new adventure in the bonus chapter
  • save your brother from a terrible fate

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What our players think of Surface - The Soaring City Deluxe
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| Age: 63 | Added on 06-04-2016
Fantastic game! Brilliant story, interesting too!! Great music and graphics, loved it
| Age: 57 | Added on 30-03-2016
Great storyline! I really liked the twist in the HOG scenes! Innovative and fun! It is a game that will challenge you but a good hint button will help you along! I think first-time HOG players will have somewhat of a handful with this game. But it was never boring, real fun and good puzzles too! One of the best HOGs I have played! And I have played a lot!! Big thumbs up.