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12 Labours of Hercules

Release date: 8 July 2014

Play 12 Labours of Hercules Deluxe and enjoy a mythical action game! Hercules is in shock after he finds out his wife has been kidnapped by the evil Hades during one of his naps. Hercules is desperate to find her back, but Hades destroyed the path, so the journey is challenging. Can you help him reunite with his beloved wife? Play 12 Labours of Hercules Deluxe now!

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12 Labours of Hercules features

  • help Hercules find his beloved wife Megara who's been kidnapped by Hades
  • enjoy help of numerous famous heroes from ancient Greece
  • fix paths, find and use artefacts, activate switches, and defeat beasts
  • receive parts of an ancient marvel for every level completed in gold time

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What our players think of 12 Labours of Hercules
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| Added on 26-06-2020
Very good game. Difficult to obtain "all acheivements" but a lovely game and easy to play.
| Age: 59 | Added on 08-08-2015
I did enjoy this game, easy to get into.