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Samantha Swift and the Golden Touch

Release date: 1 January 1970

Note: This game is not compatible with Windows 10. More info.
Join Samantha Swift for another exciting adventure of hidden object fun in Samantha Swift and the Golden Touch Deluxe. Help Samantha search for a huge variety of hidden objects and uncover an ancient scroll, a secret brotherhood, and a mystery from the days of King Midas. It's going to take much more than digging for you and our intrepid archaeologist to get to the truth in this all-new quest.

Haven't played Samantha Swift and the Golden Touch yet? Then try it for free right away!

Samantha Swift and the Golden Touch features

  • Search stunning, animated scenes for hidden objects
  • Use a variety of tools to uncover secret items
  • Immerse yourself in a thrilling mystery
  • Solve challenging puzzles and mini-games

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