Emily’s Childhood Memories is the sixth game in the ever popular Delicious series. This game follows Emily as she returns to the house she grew up in as a child and relives memories from her youth. This walkthrough should be beneficial for anyone playing the game with the intent to receive full stars in every stage. This guide assists with tips & tricks for challenges, mouse locations, memory game locations and even finding hidden items to earn a new trophy.


Mouse Locations

Emily’s Childhood Memories Mouse Locations

The Farm Part 1
Day 1: In the bottom right above the two skillets
Day 2: Next to the tree on the left
Day 3: By the 3rd fence post in the bottom left corner
Day 4: Near the rose bush in the bottom left corner
Day 5: At the top right of the serving tray
Day 6: Above the plate with the mushrooms
Day 7: Above the beehives
Day 8: Directly above sand box
Day 9: Top right in the window
Day 10: Top left in the water barrel

Delicious - Emily's Holiday Season - Farm Part 1 Mice

Delicious – Emily’s Holiday Season – Farm Part 1 Mice

The Garden
Day 1: Between the register and the carrots
Day 2: On the top of the purple watering can
Day 3: By the base of the tree in the top right corner
Day 4: Top of vegetable stand to the left of the pumpkin
Day 5: To the right of the large sunflower by the greenhouse
Day 6: Bottom middle of screen between glass jars and pears
Day 7: Inside of green house, top right between pot and plant
Day 8: On top of the oven to the left of the steam vent
Day 9: Above the watermelons
Day10: At the back right of the greenhouse

Delicious - Emily's Holiday Season - Vegetable Garden Mice

Delicious – Emily’s Holiday Season – Vegetable Garden Mice

The Campsite
Day 1: Top of hay bale to the left of the pitchfork
Day 2: Top left of screen in the tent
Day 3: Top of fireplace
Day 4: Left middle of Ice Cream machine
Day 5: Above the box of toilet paper and lanterns at the bottom of the screen
Day 6: Bottom middle of screen above pink marshmallow
Day 7: Between the two high counters for guests
Day 8:  Right above the far left of the register counter
Day 9: To the top of the trellis
Day10: Far left center of porch

Delicious - Emily's Holiday Season - Campsite Mice

Delicious – Emily’s Holiday Season – Campsite Mice

Antonio’s Restaurant
Day 1: To the bottom right of the staircase
Day 2: To the left of the screen above coffee and hot chocolate machine
Day 3: The mouse is below the juicer
Day 4: To the right of the pasta maker
Day 5: Outside the top right window on the left side
Day 6: Between the two large pots on the stove
Day 7: Right above the pizza dough
Day 8: Directly above the serving tray
Day 9: At the bottom right of the main staircase
Day10: At the bottom of the cart near Antonio’s legs

Delicious - Emily's Holiday Season - Restaurant Mice

Delicious – Emily’s Holiday Season – Restaurant Mice

The Farm Part 2
Day 1: Left of fire pit below the stairs
Day 2: At the top right of the former sandbox
Day 3: Top left above the For Sale sign
Day 4: To the top of the cash register
Day 5: Between the beverage area and the serving tray
Day 6: Above the pan handle to the right of Antonio
Day 7: Between the rocking chair and the lavender flowers
Day 8: Behind the rock that the soup bowl rests on
Day 9: Below the register in the cabinet
Day10: On the right side of the tree trunk

Delicious - Emily's Holiday Season - Farm Part 2 Mice

Delicious – Emily’s Holiday Season – Farm Part 2 Mice

Delicious – Emily’s Childhood Memories Walkthrough

Stage 1 – The Farm

In addition to hidden Easter Egg items and hiding mice, Emily’s Childhood Memories also features a special Memory game that players can access by clicking on a certain item multiple times. There is one item in every stage. For The Farm stage, you will click on the rooster that appears in Day 6 to access the game.

Day 1

This episode starts with Emily’s memories of first moving into the house as a young child. You’ll play as Edward with little Emily tagging along behind him as he runs their restaurant.

Halfway through Day 1 you will have to cut Lambchop’s fleece while still running the restaurant. Thankfully the restaurant will not be too busy so it should not be difficult in accomplishing this task. It’s best to simply cut it in two attempts and serve customers in between.

Mouse Location
You can find the Mouse in the bottom right above the two skillets.

Delicious - Emily's Holiday Season - Day 1 The Farm

Delicious – Emily’s Holiday Season – Day 1 The Farm

Day 2

You’ll have a new product in the form of eggs. Keep an eye on the chicken and send Emily to collect any eggs it may lay.

Mouse Location
The Mouse can be found in the upper left corner of the screen at the bottom of the tree.

Day 3

Day 3 revolves around Emily’s memory of learning to ride a bike without training wheels. In addition to looking for chicken eggs and serving customers, Edward must push Emily on her bike as she learns how to ride. Whenever Emily is ready, she will mount her bike and wave to you to give her a push. Do this 5 times by the end of the day.

Mouse Location
The Mouse is located by the 3rd fence post in the bottom left corner.

Day 4

Emily’s parents receive a beehive so that they can serve fresh honey at the restaurant.

This stage features a hidden Easter Egg item. These items will be found throughout various stages and are references from other Delicious games. Collect all 10 and earn the Trophy: The Spotter. You can find the 1st item, Libby’s Videotape, on the chair near the front door.

Delicious - Emily's Holiday Season - Day 4 The Farm

Delicious – Emily’s Holiday Season – Day 4 The Farm

Mouse Location
The Mouse is located near the rose bush in the bottom left corner.

Day 5

In this stage, Emily must find 8 daisies around the restaurant so that her grandfather can teach her how to make a flower chain. The 8 locations are: above the plate with the mushrooms, above the cash register, by the middle table between the seats and table, at the bottom of the orange flowers, by the base of the tree, at the base of the pink rose bush, next to the water barrel and the final daisy is pointed out to you at the beginning of the stage.

Mouse Location
The Mouse is located at the top right of the serving tray.

Delicious - Emily's Holiday Season - Day 5 The Farm

Delicious – Emily’s Holiday Season – Day 5 The Farm

Day 6

Emily receives a pet rabbit that now can be used as entertainment for guests. In addition, the restaurant can now serve ostrich eggs from their new ostrich. Similar to the chicken, you must keep an eye on the ostrich and collect it’s eggs as she lays them.

Mouse Location
The Mouse is located above the plate with the mushrooms.

Day 7

Hunter has lost his puppy and Emily volunteers to help him find it. The game gives you step-by-step tips on how to find the dog making this challenge quite easy.

Mouse Location
The Mouse can be found above the beehives.

Day 8

Emily’s grandmother brings her home-made macaroons. This special item will make customers happy and remain happy until the day is over, thus causing them to tip more. Today also introduces another chicken to collect eggs from.

Another Easter Egg item is featured in this episode. The Toy Tea Set is located in front of the sand box and is a reference from a previous Emily game.

Mouse Location
You can find the mouse directly above the sandbox.

Day 9

Emily’s mother and father rush to the hospital as Emily’s younger sister is on her way. Emily, along with her grandmother, tend to the restaurant. During the day, Emily must help hang decorations in addition to serving customers.

Mouse Location
The Mouse is in the top right window.

Day 10

Angela will start crying throughout the day. Emily must stop what she is doing and do a little dance to quiet her down again. There is a bar above Emily’s mother’s head that will show when Angela will start getting agitated. You can assist your guests according to the bar.

Mouse Location
The mouse can be found inside the barrel with water.

Stage 2 – The Garden

To access the Memory Game for The Garden, you will click repeatedly on the watering can that appears from Day 2.

Day 1

Emily’s family is helping out a neighborhood farmer who’s not doing too well. She has to tend to customers and keep an eye on Angela. Unfortunately, she doesn’t do a very good job and Angela draws all over the house. Emily must clean up the mess before the end of the day.

Mouse Location
You can find the mouse between the register and the carrots.

Day 2

There isn’t a major challenge in this episode. However, be sure to keep your inventory of fruits up by harvesting frequently. There are a great deal of fruits and vegetables to harvest in this stage.

Mouse Location
The mouse is on the top of the purple watering can.

Day 3

Emily has to collect the bat decoration that are scattered around the restaurant. There are 10 in total. Their locations are: 1) at the base of the tree near Francois, 2)at the top of the greenhouse, 3) the back right of the green house, 4)next to the back left plant inside the greenhouse, 5)at the base of the watering can, 6)under the left table, 7) at the bottom of the scarecrow, 8) by the bottom right table, 9)above the cash register and the final bat is pointed out to you at the beginning of the episode.

Delicious - Emily's Holiday Season - Day 3 The Garden

Delicious – Emily’s Holiday Season – Day 3 The Garden

There is another Easter Egg item in this stage. Located on the counter next to the baskets of fruit is a Hidden Diary. This is an Easter egg from another GameHouse game.

Mouse Location
The mouse is by the base of the tree in the top right corner.

Day 4

The oven has been fixed so Emily can sell fruit pies now. It is incredibly important to continue to harvest fruit as you are selling more items containing them.

Mouse Location
The mouse can be found next to the pumpkins on the vegetable stand.

Day 5

Angela has let the rabbits out of their pen. You have to find them all before they start eating off the garden. There are 8 rabbits in total. You can find them: 1) in the top left corner of the screen next to the bush, 2) behind the purple watering can, 3) inside the greenhouse in the upper-right corner, 4) to the right of the white shed, in front of the fence 5) above the left chair in the upper two-seat table, 6) to the left of the oven, 7) to the right of the lettuce stand and 8) in the lower-right corner of the screen directly above the score bar.

Delicious - Emily's Holiday Season - Day 5 The Garden

Delicious – Emily’s Holiday Season – Day 5 The Garden

Mouse Location
You can find the mouse to the right of the large sunflower by the greenhouse.

Day 6

Francois has donned his first crazy costume and is starting to perform magic tricks. He’s decided to help out Emily and can now be used as entertainment for guests to keep from getting angry.

Mouse Location

Look for the mouse at the bottom of the screen between the pears and the mason jars.

Day 7

Grandma has decided it’s time to teach Emily her delicious macaroon recipe. During the day Emily must sit with her grandmother to learn the recipe. Sitting and learning the recipe is going to take time. Whenever there are guests deciding what they want to order, sit with Grandma. Even if the guests are kept waiting a little while it’s important to finish the challenge.

Mouse Location
The mouse will be inside the greenhouse in the top right between the pot and the plant.

Day 8

Grandpa arrives and takes Angela to go and play. This stage features one of the Easter Egg items. You can find the Symbol of Stillwater Asylum on the wall above where Angela used to be.

Mouse Location
The mouse is on top of the oven to the left of the steam vent.

Day 9

Angela runs off while Emily is distracted with her friends and Emily has to find her before the end of the day. This challenge is similar to searching for Hunter’s puppy in the previous stage.

Mouse Location
The mouse can be found above the watermelons.

Day 10

Emily shows Angela how to catch fireflies. As a firefly enters the screen use a jar to catch it. They come onto the stage at different times and aren’t hidden so that you have to find them. Just keep your eye out.

Mouse Location
You can find the mouse at the back right of the greenhouse.

Stage 3 – The Campsite

To enter the Memory Game, tap the bottom of the plant next to the DJ station multiple times. This plant is accessible from Day 1 of The Campsite.

Day 1

Emily’s memories of right before prom, takes us to a campsite location behind the family’s barn. In addition to serving food and selling supplies, the area also served as a venue for banquets. Throughout the day, guys will come in looking for baseballs that they lost while playing with Hunter’s dog. A baseball will appear in the stage when the guys ask for it and they’re pretty easy to spot. Find 4 baseballs to complete this challenge.

Mouse Location
The Mouse is located to the left of the bale of hay.

Day 2

The campsite gains a DJ to attract and entertain guests. There isn’t any major challenge in this episode.

Mouse Location
The mouse is located in the left side of the tent.

Day 3

Emily’s mother hires a high school student to help Emily around the campsite. She goes to work the ice cream machine but it seems like it’s on the fritz and creates a big mess all over the restaurant. Clean up the mess before the end of the day while still serving customers.

Mouse Location
You can find the mouse directly above the fire pit.

Day 4

The hire from the previous episode decides to stay away from the machinery and assists Emily with cleaning the tables instead.

This stage features a hidden Easter Egg item. You can find Angela’s sewing machine between the two bars under the window.

Mouse Location
The mouse appears next to the ice cream machine.

Day 5

Emily has lost her diary and she has to find it before the end of the day! This challenge is similar to looking for the puppy and Angela in earlier episodes.

Mouse Location
The mouse appears above the box of toilet paper and lanterns at the bottom of the screen.

Day 6

Angela will now perform ballet to entertain guests on the dance floor.

Mouse Location
You can find the mouse right behind the pink marshmallows on the counter.

Day 7

Spiders have been appearing around the restaurant and Emily must find them before a customer realizes. The spiders come out at various times throughout the game and are large and easy to spot. There are 5 in total

Mouse Location
You can find the mouse between the two high counters for guests.

Day 8

Francois has to do a practice run of Emily’s makeup before prom. She has to go and sit with him throughout the day between guests. This is similar to learning how to make cookies from Grandma. Thankfully, the bar fills faster than it did in the previous challenge.

You can find Robert’s Painting, another Easter Egg item hanging above the DJ booth.

Mouse Location
The mouse is located right above the far left of the register counter.

Day 9

After an accident you have to find the soda cans around the restaurant. There are 8 in total. 1) At the top left of the screen near the tree, 2)To the right of the top of the trellis 3)to the left of the DJ table, 4) under one of the bar stools, 5) next to the pitchfork, 6)next to the left-most spit in the fire pit, 7)to the top-right of the ice cream machine, 8)to the bottom of the screen in between the supply rack and supply box

Delicious - Emily's Holiday Season - Day 9 The Campsite

Delicious – Emily’s Holiday Season – Day 9 The Campsite

Mouse Location
The mouse appears to the top of the trellis.

Day 10

Emily’s mom has broken her leg and today is the day of the banquet. Instead of going to prom, Emily decides to work at the restaurant in place of her mother.

Mouse Location
The mouse is located at the left center of the porch.

Stage 4 – The Restaurant

The Memory Game for this stage can be reached by tapping the colored picture at the top of the screen. This is accessible after Day 2. Uncle Antonio opens a restaurant and Emily will be tending to all of his customers. They have also introduced the idea of selling Grandma’s macaroons that Emily had learned the recipe for in previous stages.

Day 1

Francois leaves to gather the ingredients to make the macaroons leaving Emily alone to run the restaurant.

Mouse Location
The mouse can be found to the bottom right of the staircase.

Day 2

Francois will now be assisting Emily with the cleaning.

You can find an Easter Egg item in this stage. Emily’s legacy painting can be found under the left-most window.

Mouse Location
The mouse is to the left of the screen above coffee and hot chocolate machine.

Day 3

Francois spilled Emily’s plate of failed macaroons all over the restaurant. Find them all before the end of the day. There are 8 in total and they are pretty difficult to spot. 1)outside the restaurant, you can see it through the middle window, 2) underneath the left-most table, 3) to the bottom right of the stand with the juicer, 4)at the top of the staircase on the left, 5) to the bottom left of Antonio on the floor, 6) to the right of the coffee/hot chocolate machine, 7) above the empty plate next to the spaghetti, 8)behind Francois’s feet.

Mouse Location

In this episode, the mouse is below the juicer.

Day 4

The Restaurant receives a pizza oven, which gives Emily different types of pizza to make and serve.

Mouse Location
The mouse can be found to the right of the pasta maker.

Day 5

Emily’s mother leaves her to talk some sense into Angela who seems to want a tattoo of her boyfriend’s name. Speak to her multiple times throughout the day before the green bar gets too low.

Mouse Location
The mouse is outside the restaurant in the top right window.

Day 6

The restaurant gains entertainment in the form of Edward tossing pizza dough in the air.

The Christmas decorations next to the front door are actually an Easter Egg item from a previous Emily game.

Delicious - Emily's Holiday Season - Day 6 The Restaurant

Delicious – Emily’s Holiday Season – Day 6 The Restaurant

Mouse Location
You can find the mouse between the two large pots on the stove.

Day 7

Emily is trying to whip up a batch of macaroons during her shift at the restaurant. This challenge is similar to the one when Emily was learning how to make them. Try and make the macaroons when customers are entering the restaurant and deciding what to order. The bar goes up slowly so use every opportunity.

Mouse Location
The mouse appears right above the pizza dough.

Day 8

Francois lost Emily’s macaroon recipe so they must search around the restaurant to find it. This is an easy challenge like the ones before it such as finding the puppy or looking for Angela.

Mouse Location
The mouse can be found directly above the serving tray.

Day 9

The committee will be coming over half-way through the day to order. Keep their table fed until their satisfied.

Mouse Location
The mouse is located at the bottom right of the main staircase.

Day 10

The last episode for the Restaurant stage comes to a close as the decision of what to do about the closing of the factory is made.

Mouse Location
You can see the mouse at the bottom of the cart near Antonio’s legs.

Stage 5 – The Farm
After realizing her parent’s financial woes, Angela, Emily and Francois decide to band together to save the farm. You can play the Memory game by clicking on the rocking chair repeatedly.

Day 1

Emily decides to tend to her mother’s rose bush while running the restaurant. This is similar to Emily creating the macaroons from the previous stage. The rose bush needs a great deal of attention so try and spend as much time on it as possible.

Mouse Location
The mouse appears to the upper left of the fire pit.

Day 2

Angela volunteers to clean up the tables for Emily.

Mouse Location
You can find the mouse at the top right of the former sandbox. It’s currently a planter.

Day 3

Uncle Antonio has made some pizzas to sell at the restaurant. Sell the four of them off to guests to keep them happy.

Mouse Location
The mouse can be found above the For Sale sign.

Day 4

There is a hidden object in this episode. Peek into the house through the front door and find a TV with The Cooking Show playing on it.

A falling branch destroyed one of the tables. Emily has to fix it during her shift at the restaurant so that she can get more customers. You can want to fix the table as early as possible so that incoming guests have more places to sit and you don’t turn anyone away.

Mouse Location
The mouse can be found to the top of the cash register.

Day 5

Emily’s childhood friends meant well when they donated plants for the yard sale. However, they also tracked in a lot of dirt around the area. There are four patches of dirt that Emily has to clean throughout the day.

Mouse Location
The Mouse can be found between the beverage area and the serving tray.

Day 6

Francois finds Emily’s old bike and joins the restaurant to give the guests entertainment by turning tricks on the bicycle.

Mouse Location
The mouse appears above the pan handle to the right of Antonio.

Delicious - Emily's Holiday Season - Day 6 The Restaurant

Delicious – Emily’s Holiday Season – Day 6 The Restaurant

Day 7

Emily has misspelled all the money that they’ve made so far. This challenge isn’t that difficult and if she doesn’t find it Francois will give her a hint upon where to look.

Mouse Location
You can find the mouse between the rocking chair and the lavender flowers.

Day 8

The factory workers from the previous stage come in to eat and purchase items from Emily. Continue to serve them until they’re satisfied similar to when the Committee came to eat at Antonio’s restaurant.

You can find Francois’s decoration catalog at the base of the tree in this stage. This is the catalog that made Francois decide that he wanted to be a decorator. It is the final Easter Egg item. Congratulations you’ve earned another trophy!

Mouse Location
The mouse is located behind the rock that the soup bowl rests on.

Day 9

The challenge for this day is to find daisies similar to how Emily did as a small child. There are 10 daisies in total. Their locations are: 1)to the right of the barrel, 2) to the left on the tree blending in with the lights, 3)at the base of the large tree, 4)to the bottom right of the house stairs, 5) at the base of the large rock that the soup bowl is resting on, 6)underneath the left most table, 7)on the upper left of the table with the mason jar, 8)next to the cabinet with the scarf, 9)in the upper left corner of the right-most table, 10)it’s pointed out to you at the beginning of the episode.

Delicious - Emily's Holiday Season - Day 9 The Farm

Delicious – Emily’s Holiday Season – Day 9 The Farm

Mouse Location
You can find the mouse below the register in the cabinet.

Day 10

In the final episode of the game, you have to search for the young girl Emily is looking after in a game of hide and seek. She peeks out from different places throughout the game. You have to find her four times to complete the challenge.

Mouse Location
The mouse is located on the right side of the tree trunk.
Congratulations! You’ve completed of Emily’s Childhood Memories Walkthrough! Emily, Angela and Francois raised enough money for their parents to keep the house, however, they still decide to sell. It’s time to move on and make other memories.

I hope this walkthrough of Emily’s Childhood Memories has been helpful to you, whether it’s finding hidden secret items, mice, or making it through every challenge. Do your best!

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This Emily’s Childhood Memories Walkthrough is meant as a guide and contains no cheat codes, hacks, or serials.