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The Chronicles of Noah's Ark Deluxe

Release date: 26 December 2016

The Chronicles of Noah’s Ark Deluxe is a moving game about faith, family, the future, and match 3! God's message sounds like a mission impossible: build a giant ark to preserve mankind before a flood destroys the world. Noah can't do this on his own, so he turns to you and your match 3 skills. Can you help him pull it off and save mandkind? Find out now in The Chronicles of Noah’s Ark Deluxe!

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The Chronicles of Noah's Ark Deluxe features

  • witness Noah's captivating adventure first hand and guide him along the way
  • help him build his ark by completing 74 challenging match 3 levels
  • score enough points to get the 20 upgrades that are needed for the ark
  • enjoy 5 breathtaking chapters, beautiful music and amazing animations

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